Monday, June 30, 2014

Coming to a Close Part Three: Graduation

For me Graduation was always a worrisome topic, not because I didn't think I would graduate but because of the grandeur of it all. Graduation is a big deal and there is a lot of on everyone that day. The pressure causes you to ask yourself many questions, "Am I going to trip as I walk across the stage?","Will I be the one that passes out this year?", "what if no one claps when I go across the stage?". If worries like these are going through your head here are some tips from someone who made it through graduation embarrassment free.
Depending on where you live graduation season is pretty dang hot. It's especially hot where I live, this year was the first year in a while that nobody passed out due to heat. My number one tip to make sure you're not that person that passes out is to drink water! Lots and lots of water. Start drinking the day before and keep drinking the morning of graduation too. It is very important to stay hydrated every day, especially graduation!
#2) Don't wear Heels
At my graduation this year at least three girls fell while walking down the stairs after they received their diploma. Was it a coincidence that all three were wearing sky high heels? I think not. Seriously though unless you came out of the womb being able to walk in heels I wouldn't make graduation the day you try.
#3) Everything will be okay
Despite what you may think everything is going to turn out okay, and I didn't say perfect for a reason. Even if you do all the right things you still may be the person who falls or the person who passes out, and that's okay! It's not the end of the world, it may seem like it at the time but in a year, or maybe even a month, it wont even seem relevant. Because hey! You've got college to look forward to!


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Coming to a Close Part Two: PROM!!

Prom is something that every little girl most little girls look forward to their whole lives, I wasn't really one of those little girls. I just wanted to wear a fancy dress. Nevertheless my prom experience was amazing, I got to spend it with all of my friends, old and new. Not to mention I finally got to wear that fancy dress. Because i had such an amazing time i'm going to share some pictures with you!

Post Prom:
Embedded image permalinkEmbedded image permalink
Hope you all enjoyed my prom pics 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Lovely Mom threw a Pinterest Worthy Grad Party: so naturally I'm going to put it on pinterest

The night of my graduation my mom threw a pinterest worthy grad party for me. It was so beautiful and so much fun that I thought i'd share it with you all. First of all, I want to show you the brains behind this operation. This is my mom and I the morning of graduation:
 And now that I've shown you the brains I should probably show you all of her hard work!

 There were twinkly lights all above the yard but unfortunately I didn't get a picture but it was beautiful! Also, shout out to my dad for cooking some wonderful food! Love ya both!

P.S.My dog is cute


As Promised I put pictures on pinterest! Here is the link!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Coming to a Close Part one: Leaving Everything Behind

I really should have made a post about this a while ago but I've been a little busy. But at the moment it's a rainy vacation day and I have nothing better to do. Because it's encompasses so much, this will be the inaugural post of a multi-part blog entry. There will be a few different parts: Leaving behind activities that you love, Prom, Graduation, and beach week.  So let's start this off right: Leaving behind activities that you love.

Graduating from high school typically means leaving behind many things that for the last four years have been your life. For me it's everything that high school has let me be a part of, I know that it might not be that way for everyone but it is for me. For the past four years I have been involved in lots and lots of clubs, but the two that mean the most to me are Best Buddies and theatre. I know for a fact that i have talked about best buddies before, in fact it was this post right here. In case you didn't read it or you don't want to read it, I'll give you a little refresher.

Best Buddies
Best buddies is an international organization that's main goal is to create one-to-one friendships between middle school, high school, and college individuals with individuals with Intellectual and developmental disabilities. I can not say enough how much being a part of this club has changed my life. It has made me a generally happier person, made me more accepting of others, and not to mention the amazing friendships I have made. I am immensely proud of our chapter this year because we were named Best High School Chapter in the state of Maryland. It has been a pleasure working with such a wonderful officer team and Advisors. Leaving this behind will be one of the hardest things about leaving high school. I love them all more than they know.

All of the seniors!
Dakota and I
For me theatre was kind of a thing that I only joined because that's what all my friends did and I wanted to be with them ,but it turns out that I absolutely adored it. I never got into being on the stage, but I also wasn't really behind the scenes. I did Front of House. To most people this term might not make very much sense, to clarify, I was the one who decorated the entrance to the auditorium and sold tickets and concessions during intermission. By the end of my first night doing front of house I was kind of in charge of everyone else selling tickets because I naturally take the lead of things I enjoy. And ever since that night early junior year I have adored it. Leaving behind my high school theatre company will most definitely be hard, some people I may never see again, others I hope to see when I visit. One person in particular is Dakota, she has been there with me from the start and I left front of house duties behind to her for next year I know she will do fantastic and I truly believe that she will be amazing.

Now that high school is over that doesn't mean that all of these things are over! I will still visit and keep in touch. It's not goodbye, It's see ya later.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Senior Pictures!

My friend Ellen has a really amazing photography business and I was lucky enough to get her to do my senior pictures. If you live in the Annapolis, Maryland area you should really check her out! She does everything! Her website is  She's really amazing! Here are my senior pictures!

Go check her out! She's amazing!! 